Lucius Gregory Meredith

Lucius Gregory Meredith is a father, mathematician, musician, poet, beekeeper, Tai Chi practitioner, and human to Fiber the Australian Shepherd. He lives in West Seattle overlooking the Vashon Ferry. To learn more about his mathematics look for the rho calculus. To learn more about his music, look for The Crown (Royale) on BandCamp, or The Seattle Circle on all socials.

Author's books

Silence and Surrender

Forthcoming in Autumn 2024

The act of writing poetry is a silent communion between the Poet and the Muse. The poetry of Lucius Gregory Meredith elevates that conversation into the realms of the philosophical, the cosmological, the sensual, the mythological and the metaphysical.

Each poem here explores the tension between longing for the pure meaning and simplicity of silence in contrast to (or in context of) the rich potential for connection through language. Meredith takes his readers on an intimate journey, revealing himself, and ourselves, as willing yet disillusioned servants of Love.

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