Sandra Bain Cushman

Sandra Bain Cushman’s passion for unlocking creative potential began with her theater studies at Cornell University in 1977. A certified teacher of the Alexander Technique since 1990, she has taught renowned musicians, writers, theater groups, medical professionals, and business leaders how to gain greater poise, balance, and freedom in their work and in their lives.

Sandra is the founder of Orchestral Maneuvers which “offers a simple, straightforward and accessible method of developing presence, coordination and attention for the individual musician, musicians and their instruments, musicians and their instruments within a group or orchestra; and for the group and orchestra as a whole.” (Robert Fripp)

Sandra has worked with Robert Fripp’s Guitar Craft and Guitar Circles of North America, South America and Europe, from 1988-1990 and from 2000-present.

Sandra is a graduate of Jessica Wolf’s Art of Breathing training and holds a certificate in teaching breathing coordination. She is the author of Mind Body 40 Days, an AT-based support guide for those beginning mind-body practices and bougainvillea, a book about the Technique—that never mentions the Technique.

Sandra has been on the faculty for the McIntire Department of Music at the University of Virginia and the Contemplative Sciences Center at UVA. She currently runsan AmSAT-approved teacher training course in Charlottesville, VA.

Author's books

Mente Cuerpo 40 días (edición en español)

Cuarenta lecturas diarias para quienes están iniciando prácticas mente-cuerpo y para quienes están comenzando de nuevo. El objetivo central de Mente, Cuerpo, 40 días es proporcionar una comprensión fresca y duradera de la práctica mente-cuerpo. Debido a dónde y cuándo se escribió, es posible que encuentre principios de este trabajo apareciendo en un mercado en Marruecos, a la vera de un camino en Ghana o flotando en un catamarán en el Océano Índico. Por favor ven y disfruta del viaje.


Edición limitada de encuadernación artesanal disponible en Abril 2024

Puedes contactar vía Facebook, Instagram o email ( para coordinar compra y entrega.

Mind Body 40 days

Forty daily readings for those who are beginning mind-body practices and for those who are beginning again. The central aim of Mind Body 40 Days is to provide a fresh and lasting understanding of mind-body practice. Because of where and when it is being written, you may find principles of this work surfacing at a market in Morocco, by a roadside in Ghana, or floating on a catamaran in the Indian Ocean. Please come along and enjoy the ride.


Limited hand-bound edition available April 2024

Please contact us via message (, Facebook or Instagram to coordinate sale and shipping.

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